On my way to Jessica’s place yesterday, I heard a new program on CBC Radio One called Between You and Me. The program’s website describes it thus:
Sex columnist Josey Vogels takes listeners on a weekly adventure through the complicated, confusing and often entertaining worlds of sex and personal relationships. Intimate and unpredictable, Between You and Me tackles a range of issues, from the challenge of controlling jealous thoughts, to exploring why myths about sex exist.
Rich ground for a documentary program, indeed!
The one I started it listen to while I was driving is called the Physiology of Love:
Strange things happen to our bodies and brains when we fall in love. In this episode of Between You and Me, host Josey Vogels and world renouned anthropologist Helen Fisher walk us through the physiology of love … from the lust that inspires it, to the giddiness of falling for someone new, to the comfort and connection of the long term committment.
Lust, giddiness, comfort, and connection. Good stuff, all of it. I heard only the first few minutes before I arrived and shut the car off, but I’ve downloaded the podcast from CBC’s Past Podcasts page and recommend that you do the same.
Tracey Cox, a prominent sex commentator in the UK, said,
You can tell whether somebody fancies you before they even know it themselves because everybody does what’s called and eyebrow flash. When we meet somebody, and this is all across all cultures, our eyebrows flash up and down for about a fifth of a second, and this happens when we see with our eyes something we find appealing. It happens before that thought has even got to our brains. So if you meet somebody and their eyebrows flash up and down, you know that they fancy you before they know it themselves.
As an aside, I really like how the English you the work ‘fancy’ where we might use ‘like.’ Fancy, in this context, is far more specific, and it at the same time it’s also safe because there is no attached connotation you’d want to prevent children from hearing. In this way it’s pleasingly innocent.
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