I went to see Clint Eastwood’s Gran Torino with Ryan on Saturday. I find great appeal in stories where the good guy manages to overcome, despite the odds. The trailer for Gran Torino portrays the film in exactly this way.
Unlike the shoot-em-up films where the hero overcomes, this story is intensely character driven. Further, Eastwood’s Walt Kowalski is not easy to like. The reasons we shouldn’t like him are piled before us. But you know what? As the story unfolded, I found myself liking him more and more. I made excuses and tried to explain away his weaknesses and objectionable behaviour. It takes good writing to make this happen.
I recommend this film, though there’s harsh language and no end of racial slurs. I’m also not sure if I liked the ending, but I liked the journey that took me there.
See Gran Torino if you can. Get to know Walt Kowalski and his neighbours for yourself.
well said, rick. good choice of film, and good company to see it with…
Awesome movie Rick, I loved your summation. I saw it last night, and while the ending was very sad and a little disappointing, it was perhaps the … inevitable… conclusion. I’m not sure anything else would have been satisfying.
Loved the humor through it as well — even though it was a heavy film, emotionally, and Walt was a nasty ole bastard or so we’re led to believe initially, the humor in say, the will, and his back and forth conversations with the barber were really nice touches.