In a struggle to be happy and free

Drystone Wall

Rogers and me

I wrote Rogers this evening. I got another of their psycho stalker make-up ad mailings yesterday. So…

From: Rick Pali <>
Date: January 20, 2010 9:12:20 PM EST
To: Website Feedback <>
Subject: Re: General Inquiry (KMMXXXXXXXX)


According to the message you sent me, copied below, you indicated that I would be removed from all Rogers marketing communications within two weeks. Your message was dated December 18, so I expected everything to be completed by January 1.

I received another mailing yesterday.

I’m amazed because I asked you nicely to stop sending me marketing materials. You agreed. Now you’re paying money to further annoy me. This is not the best strategy to increase revenue.

I’m also amazed because my request, according to the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act, is not something you can conveniently ignore. My personal information belongs to me and you must use it under the conditions I specify. I don’t think that I could have been more clear: do not use my address to send me marketing material. A month later, this is exactly what you’ve done.

Now tell me Kristin. What are you going to do to make this right? And the same question goes to you, nameless Rogers Chief Privacy Officer.

Telling me that it’s all taken care of clearly didn’t work because I’ve already heard that and it wasn’t true.

Perhaps it’s time to purge all of my customer information from the Rogers records since you seem incapable of handling it properly.

Perhaps you have a better idea. I’m listening.


On 2009-Dec-18, at 7:32 PM, Website Feedback wrote:

Dear Rick Pali,

We have completed the opt out process for your Mr. Pali and this may take 1 to 2 weeks to update our databases appropriately and you may receive communications within this time period.

We are pleased to have been able to address your inquiry. If you have any further questions, please feel free to email us again at Alternatively, you may also contact Customer Service by phone at 1 – 888-764‑3771 24 hours/day, 7 days/week for assistance.

Thank you for using our online service.

For future email correspondence with respect to this e‑mail, please quote reference number XXXXXXXX


Kristin C.

I have no doubt that I’ll receive a response. It’ll simply say that I’ve been removed from all future mailings. I expect no apology or any actual, you know, customer service. Every time I come into contact with Rogers, the experience is unpleasant. Why should this time be any different?


Planning for boredom?


Your eyes are like star-light now


  1. gryan

    Rogers is truly horrible. When you’re all bundled up the wazoo and know that Bell et al are probably worse, it’s a sad state of affairs.

    My favourite move was when they sent me a letter 2.5 years after I’d bundled up all my services, telling me that they were suddenly knocking my bundle from 15% down to 5%. I fought with them and took it up as far as it would go. Rather than give me even 5% extra!! (I’d had all my services with them for 6 years), they said go ahead and leave if you want to.

    They will always be around, but anytime they are taken down a notch or criticized it warms my heart.

  2. TJ

    I get this crap admail from Rogers numerous times. Well if they had decent prices and good CS , don’t you think I would be with them in the first place ? The glossy admail is not going to help me sign up with their overpriced services , but good CS and good prices will , how hard is it for Robbers to understand such a simple cocept ?

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