In a struggle to be happy and free

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Category: oops

Algonquin Park has moved?

Facebook posted this news story the other day:

One wonders why they used a photo of downtown Ottawa to head a story about an event in Algonquin park! That’s not Highway 60, it’s Rideau street. Note the Château Laurier right there behind the police cruiser.

Image capture from

The bad word games?

There are always a dozen kerfuffles happening on the Internet at any time (rounding down to the nearest billion), but this one has to be one of the dullest ever. As you no doubt know, the second part of the last Hunger Games picture is coming out in November. Lionsgate released an ad to let us know we have only 100 days to wait:

Well, it didn’t take long for some to notice an unintended naughty word that came about because of the overlapping text, highlighted here in white:

Honestly? I never would have noticed. I also find it really difficult to get even mildly worked up about it because it was obviously unintended. I won’t be surprised if some people are unbelievably offended, angry, and upset, because no matter what happens, someone is always unbelievably offended, angry, and upset.

Image is probably ©2015 Lions Gate Entertainment but I’m not sure.

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