This evening I received a text message from a Toronto phone number:
Hey i miss you im cnmeing down soon i cant wait
I lovely message, but it would be better still if I knew the person it was from. I have never seen the number before so I suspect I wasn’t the intended recipient. I mentioned it to Kendra, saying that I was tempted to reply, but didn’t really see the point. She suggested that it was worth the SMS charge to do it. Upon reflection, I agreed. So I replied:
I think you’ve got the wrong number, but you’re welcome to come by anyway. 🙂
I doubt I’ll get a response, but I’d be amused if I turn out to be wrong. Kendra also asked me if this event would make it into a posting.
I told her to be quiet.
Why don’t you ask the Magic 8 Ball if you will get a response. Of course, it will be wrong. 😉