In a struggle to be happy and free

Drystone Wall

My poor feet

My feet are killing me!

It started yesterday. I went to see Avenue Q with a group of friends. The show was at the NAC so we decided that we’d go and have a nice dinner first and make an evening of it. Since we were going to do that, we’d dress up, and then go out afterward as well. Fun! I wore a pair of shoes that I really like, but they make their presence known after being on my feet for a long time.

The show was good. I’d certainly recommend it. It’s not a show I would’ve gone to see on my own, but I’m certainly glad I went. Afterwards we went to a 25+ club in the Market. That was also a great deal of fun. We walked there, leaving the car in the NAC garage. Of course, we later walked back. All told, I wore those shoes for more than twelve hours straight. It wasn’t terrible, but my feet were annoyed with me.

So what did I do today? I walked five kilometres. I wanted to get out. I couldn’t think of anything to do so I decided to talk to the library and drop off some CDs I needed to return. The walk is pretty boring. Most of the way is along a busy four-lane road. There’s nothing to look at because multiple subdivisions back onto this road, leaving it bounded by privacy walls. I knew there was a walking path a block away from, and parallel to, this busy road but I didn’t know how far it went.

I checked Google Maps and I was pleased to discover I could get nearly all the way to the library using walking paths. I’d have to use sidewalks for about 20% of the distance. So I wanted to try it. And I did. It was lovely, and it seemed far shorter because I was a much more pleasant environment.

After I got home, I was still restless. Make no mistake, there are plenty of things I should do. I didn’t want to do any of those things, however. I wanted to call people, but I didn’t think anyone would be free, or interested. I wanted to go for another walk, but I knew better than to try. I did go to the liquor store and the convenience store on the corner, but that was as much as I was willing to risk.

The rest of my day has been a matter of my puttering around, bored.

In the meantime, I hope my feet are back to normal tomorrow.






  1. Jonathan

    I think your feet were likely no longer annoyed with you later that evening, having gone to the liquor store and the convenience store!

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