From a review of the 2012 Corvette ZR1,
So yes, you can be nice to the ZR1, and it likes that. Or you can nail the throttle, launching the tach needle into the next county. At which point the sky cracks open and your face melts, like that scene in Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, only without the Nazis and a little more Holy Power of a Thousand Millennia raining down on upon humanity. Below 5500 rpm, the noise is a thundering boom. Above it, and all the way to the 6500-rpm redline, you hear nothing but a deafening, gut-trembling snarl, like a Stuka dive-bombing your lower intestine. It’s intoxicating. When you wake up, you’re two, maybe three time zones away, with no memory of what just happened. And a distinct desire to do it again, immediately.
Sam Smith,
“A Supercar in Corvette Clothing”
I do enjoy these types of reviews, except when they’re inaccurate. It wasn’t Last Crusade, it was Raiders of the Lost Ark! Jeez.
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