In a struggle to be happy and free

Drystone Wall

Bad posters, bad!

You know what I would say so let’s just save us both the trouble, okay?

Québec language police nab Montreal bar for vintage posters

Last Updated: Thursday, February 14, 2008 | 6:10 PM ET

CBC News

An Irish pub in Montreal will fight an order from Québec’s language watchdog to take down antique advertising posters from its walls.

The Office de la langue francaise (OLF) issued the order to McKibbins Irish Pub on Feb. 6, informing the tavern it was violating Québec’s language charter by displaying the imported vintage posters.

The wall hangings include vintage advertisements for Guinness and St. James Gate Dublin, imported from Ireland.

McKibbins owner Rick Fon told CBC News he will not take the posters down because they serve as decoration, not to advertise beer.

The OLF said it received a complaint about the pub and sent an inspector to investigate the downtown watering hole.

The inspector ruled McKibbins’ bilingual menu, bar service and vintage posters do not respect article 58 of Québec’s language charter.

The OLF was not available for comment on Thursday.


You’re having a hell of a day when…


Distant shore


  1. WTL

    Ah yes. Those goons certainly need to keep busy busting an Irish pub for having Irish decorations.

  2. Rick

    I figure they’ve got to do something or people will wonder if they serve any purpose…

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